Who am I?

In a shivering place known as the “Little Baguio of Laguna” Luisiana, Laguna, A boy set his feet on earth. It is December 12th on the ’94. The youngest of the siblings, the unico iho. The town knows him with the nickname “jhio boy” or simply “jhio”. He was the FAT kid from then and now. The son of 2 Doctors of Dental MED. Plus his 2 sisters the older one is a nurse and the younger one is also a dentist. Medical field all the way.

But here am I. . .

Taking Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. Yes, it is not the same path as with my family. For once I am also a dentistry student and guess what, I HATE it. So travelling my own road, finding what I really wanted. Though I am not in the track with my family, I know that in the end of the road we’ll meet. The destination called SATISFACTION AND SUCCESS with the undying love of my family.

Hi, I am NOEL VELORIA RONDILLA JR. A son, a sibling, a student, a dreamer, a MAN.

Soon to be a broadcaster, journalist, researcher . . . but now I am BLOGGING my way to the infinite realm of my dreams.

If I will be a superhero I would be called as MEDIA MAN !!!. . . . and I’m out. :P

Sunday, March 29, 2015

5 Ways to Avoid Friendzone and Earn More Pogi Points

In popular culture, friend zone refers to a platonic relationship wherein one person, most commonly a man, wishes to enter into a romantic or sexual relationship, while the other does not. It is generally considered to be an undesirable or dreaded situation by the lovelorn person. If a desired party does not return or respond affirmatively to the advances or affection of the desiring party, but continues to participate in the friendship in a platonic way, it is sometimes described as friend-zoning. In a related sense of the term, friend zone can describe a "commitment mismatch", such as when two people are sexually involved, but in which one person wants a committed relationship such as being a boyfriend or girlfriend, while the other does not.

So how can you avoid it? Here’s how.

Don’t be a doormat.

Part of being a good partner is being a steady support for your woman. Helping her when you can, doing things for her because you care, taking extra steps to make sure she is happy. But it’s imperative not to sacrifice your dignity in the process.  A woman wants a companion to stand behind her. A man she can respect. A man she can count on when times get rough, not a puppy dog that’s going to follow her around and lose his own identity in the process.

Make your intentions known.

Yep, you are a man who is interested in a woman, and it’s time to start acting like one. In the process of courting a woman, she must really understand your intentions before anything else. If you can’t spit it out, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Display confidence

It takes confidence to approach a woman in the first place, confidence to make your move, confidence to express your feelings for her and secure enough with yourself to be romantic without feeling like you’re sacrificing your masculinity. Confidence to be yourself –  this will be your foundation for success in any relationships, hence in life.

Present yourself properly.

Dress up, clean up, man up and show women that you’re worthy their time and attention. Definitely she will be attracted to you in no time.

Date her!

Without a date, you may not get the chance to even show your life background and interest. A date is your chance to show her who you are. Ask her for a proper date, be creative, make an effort. Show her that you care enough to take the time to plan on something.

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