Who am I?

In a shivering place known as the “Little Baguio of Laguna” Luisiana, Laguna, A boy set his feet on earth. It is December 12th on the ’94. The youngest of the siblings, the unico iho. The town knows him with the nickname “jhio boy” or simply “jhio”. He was the FAT kid from then and now. The son of 2 Doctors of Dental MED. Plus his 2 sisters the older one is a nurse and the younger one is also a dentist. Medical field all the way.

But here am I. . .

Taking Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication. Yes, it is not the same path as with my family. For once I am also a dentistry student and guess what, I HATE it. So travelling my own road, finding what I really wanted. Though I am not in the track with my family, I know that in the end of the road we’ll meet. The destination called SATISFACTION AND SUCCESS with the undying love of my family.

Hi, I am NOEL VELORIA RONDILLA JR. A son, a sibling, a student, a dreamer, a MAN.

Soon to be a broadcaster, journalist, researcher . . . but now I am BLOGGING my way to the infinite realm of my dreams.

If I will be a superhero I would be called as MEDIA MAN !!!. . . . and I’m out. :P

Sunday, March 29, 2015

TIPS FOR GRADUATING STUDENTS: How to find your first real job.

Gather the Necessary Information and Requirements.

Prepare your birth certificate, identification cards, driver’s license, passport and other pertinent documents that may be required.
Information about the company where you are applying is definitely the 1st thing that you would need to know. You should find out what they need from their applicants. Questions like what qualifications are they looking for in an applicant, what skills are most needed.  How the company pays their worker? Why should I be interested on this job? It is better that you evaluate yourself before entering the life of “being-employed.”

Assemble your Resume.

Job-hunting is all about perceptions and standing out in the crowd. Presenting a nicely formatted resume to prospective employers can give your application an edge. The resume didn’t have to be a “novel” long or a “synopsis” short. Just an honest resume will score you a sure job.

Plan your Wardrobe.

Dress for success as they say. Time to mix-and-match your corporate wear for you to look pleasant and confident. The point here is making a good first impression is essential in landing a job.

Practice your Field.

You are the king of your own empire. For example, in field of medicine, having undergone training in a hospital, your advantage against the others are vast. One of the keys to success for any job-seeker is being able to clearly explain why you are the best candidate for a job. Also you need to be able to say why you are not only the best for the job, but also why you are better than others who may be applying for such position.

Apply and Interview for Jobs

Now that you have you’re ready, it’s time to hit all the places where you would like to work. Start early each day, bringing all your documents and confidence, and apply as many places as you like. Always be polite. Say “thank you” and “please” to the employer.  And focus on good grooming and hygiene. Smile and maintain good eye-contact and most of all be confident.

Be Prepared for Competition

You may face a lot of competition – there are many people in the line wanting to be hired on their desired spot in work. Job openings may not be as plentiful as in the past. Hence, it is assumed you’ll get a high percentage of rejections. There is no job guarantee that is why you should work hard for it.

Complete Follow-Up and Thank You Notes

Once you’ve applied for a job, keep following up on the status of your application. Be professional and ask each employer if they have all the information they need to make a decision about your application. Always send thank-you notes after each job interview; the ‘thank you’ itself won’t get you the job, but it may be just enough to push your application to the top of the stack.

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